ButlerBilt, LLC, puts Man Before Material and Offers Simple Solutions to Maximize Safety

We offer no short cuts here! Using top-quality material to build our products, rigorous inspections, and testing to ensure the safety of those products, we refuse to supply the workforce with anything that is flawed!  The safety of our customers is our Number One priority and that demands safer products and procedures!

Compliance for safety requires inspections, training, and improvements on out-of-date processes and equipment that no longer benefit workers’ safety. We offer simple solutions for these obstacles incorporating training for confined spaces, rigging, safety procedures, etc., to our inspectors that come and certify your products at your place of work.

ButlerBilt is the only company to have a three-year extended warranty on our manhole guard, having faith in the safety, strength, and superiority of our product.

Do you have products in use that could be safer or an idea that can change the workforce? We offer custom safety solutions to assist you in bringing these ideas to fruition. If you want more information on the services we offer, please explore the listed services or contact us with any questions.